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한국 보자기의 전통미에 관한 고찰

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
32페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국조형교육학회 수록지정보 : 조형교육 / 39권
저자명 : 전영화


I. 서론
II. 한국의 전통 미의식
1. 음양오행사상과 한국의 색채
2. 한국의 규방문화
Ⅲ. 한국의 전통 보자기와 조각보
1. 보자기의 전개와 종류
2. 보자기의 색상과 패턴
3. 조각보의 미학
IV. 결론
※ 참고문헌

한국어 초록

우리나라는 수천 년에 걸쳐 오랜 역사와 전통을 지니고 있다. 특히 문화적인 측면에서 한민족은 타민족에 비하여 우수한 인자를 지니고 있었으며 인내와 끈기 있는 민족적 기질이 우수한 예술품을 양산하였다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 사계절이 뚜렷하고 바다에 인접한 천혜의 자연여건이 전통을 창조적으로 계승해 올 수 있는 여건이 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 전통이란 단순한 시간의 집적이 아니며 그 민족의 생활양식에 사상과 정신이 역사적으로 스며들어 있음을 말한다.
한 민족 혈통의 명맥을 꾸준히 이어온 우리 민족의 자긍심은 여느 나라에 뒤지지 않고 있다. 이러한 유구한 역사에서 조성된 화려한 문화유산은 전 세계에 어디에 두어도 손색이 없을 정도이다. 과학문명이 발달하면 할수록 오히려 과거 문화유산에 대한 관심이 고조 되고 있다는 점은 흥미로운 사실이라고 볼 수 있다. 서구문화가 대량으로 유입되고 있는 작금에 전통문화의 중요성이 신세대들에게도 지속적으로 인식되었으면 하는 바람이다. 궁극적으로는 전통문화가 단순한 전래문화가 아니라 현대의 미와 아우러져서 한민족이 창의적 문화국가로서의 긍지를 견지(堅持)하는 계기가 되었으면 한다. 안휘준(2000: 23)은 전통은 사회변화에 따라 재창조 될 수 있는 역동성이 있어야 한다고 하였다.

영어 초록

Various inferences on how the aesthetic sense and color sense of the Korean
people were formed can be made. However, it is safe to say that they were
basically caused by Korean thought and the natural environment. It is highly
advantageous and undeniable that Korean people have maintained a 5,000-year
long history along with their time-honored artistic talents. It is remarkable that
Korean thought has always been based on gentleness, perseverance and diligence.
Such features have become a basis for excellence in crafts requiring a great
amount of time for exquisite handiwork, etc. We are proud that we could step
forward becoming one of the culturally strong nations by establishing a diverse
and abundant cultural infrastructure with these conditions.
In this sense, it is needless to say that beautiful, traditional cloths used for
wrapping were made naturally. Their value lies in frugality; reusing every piece of
clothing, and the perseverance of our ancestors weaving all of them stitch by
stitch. The combination of beautiful colors naturally resulted from the four
distinctive seasons and plenty of sunshine in Korea. The traditional cloth for
wrapping, which was woven overnight and based on the aesthetic sense of
generations, represents beauty itself. During the Chosun Dynasty, women’s work
with fabric included creating wrapping cloths as well as weaving, natural dyeing,
embroidery, knotting, etc. However, the cloth used for wrapping is the best among
them. These days old things are being forgotten, but people are showing more
interest in these wrapping cloths and more and more relevant studies are being
conducted accordingly.
The combination of colors is closely associated with the Chinese principle of
Yin-Yang, but there are many wrapping cloths with unique patterns and colors. It
is believed that ordinary people could make them freely and project their free
minds and thought into their work without formality or stereotype.
Wrapping cloths are considered to be mirrors reflecting the lives of Korean
women. They can be elastically adjusted for things of different sizes, and can be
easily folded or tied when not in use. They can be also used as a rug when
sitting on the ground or as a head covering for protection from the sun. To this
date women still prefer to use them for various purposes, for example, to cover
their shoulders against the cold, decorate things, etc. The philosophy and aesthetics
of life contained in these cloths represent the life and wisdom of our ancestors.
It is meaningful to appreciate the beauty of a variety of wrapping cloths
made between the 18th and 19th centuries including those estimated to be made
in the 1600s from the royal families of the Chosun Dynasty and to savour the
wisdom and aesthetics of our ancestors. Every effort to study wrapping cloths
offers an opportunity to review the comfort, mentality and aesthetics that our
ancestors had. Therefore, it should serve as a momentum not to study these
wrapping cloths merely as a tool, but to discover aesthetic logic anew and to see
women's culture from a sociological perspective. Thus, male-oriented cultural
values can be compared equally with those of our female culture, and the history
of Korean culture should be properly reestablished.

참고 자료



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