Fabrication and Applications of Carbon Nanotube Fibers
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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국탄소학회
ㆍ수록지정보 : Carbon Letters / 13권 / 4호
ㆍ저자명 : Hungo Choo, Yeonsu Jung, Youngjin Jeong, Hwan Chul Kim, Bon-Cheol Ku
ㆍ저자명 : Hungo Choo, Yeonsu Jung, Youngjin Jeong, Hwan Chul Kim, Bon-Cheol Ku
2. CNT Fiber Spinning Methods
3. Applications
4. Conclusions
한국어 초록
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have exceptional mechanical, electrical, and thermal propertiescompared with those of commercialized high-performance fibers. For use in the form
of fabrics that can maintain such properties, individual CNTs should be held together in
fibers or made into yarns twisted out of the fibers. Typical methods that are used for such
purposes include (a) surfactant-based coagulation spinning, which injects a polymeric
binder between CNTs to form fibers; (b) liquid-crystalline spinning, which uses the nature
of CNTs to form liquid crystals under certain conditions; (c) direct spinning, which can
produce CNT fibers or yarns at the same time as synthesis by introducing a carbon source
into a vertical furnace; and (d) forest spinning, which draws and twists CNTs grown vertically
on a substrate. However, it is difficult for those CNT fibers to express the excellent
properties of individual CNTs as they are. As solutions to this problem, post-treatment
processes are under development for improving the production process of CNT fibers or
enhancing their properties. This paper discusses the recent methods of fabricating CNT
fibers and examines some post-treatment processes for property enhancement and their
영어 초록
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have exceptional mechanical, electrical, and thermal propertiescompared with those of commercialized high-performance fibers. For use in the formof fabrics that can maintain such properties, individual CNTs should be held together infibers or made into yarns twisted out of the fibers. Typical methods that are used for suchpurposes include (a) surfactant-based coagulation spinning, which injects a polymericbinder between CNTs to form fibers; (b) liquid-crystalline spinning, which uses the natureof CNTs to form liquid crystals under certain conditions; (c) direct spinning, which canproduce CNT fibers or yarns at the same time as synthesis by introducing a carbon sourceinto a vertical furnace; and (d) forest spinning, which draws and twists CNTs grown verticallyon a substrate. However, it is difficult for those CNT fibers to express the excellentproperties of individual CNTs as they are. As solutions to this problem, post-treatmentprocesses are under development for improving the production process of CNT fibers orenhancing their properties. This paper discusses the recent methods of fabricating CNTfibers and examines some post-treatment processes for property enhancement and theirapplications.참고 자료
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