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Effects of Music Therapy on State Anxiety and Meaning in Life on Patients in an Acute Psychiatric Setting

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국음악치료학회 수록지정보 : 한국음악치료학회지 / 13권 / 2호
저자명 : MichaelJ.Silverman, PhD, MT-BC


Literature Review

한국어 초록

There continues to be a dearth of randomized and controlled psychiatric music therapy literature.
Additionally, of the existing published quantitative literature concerning music therapy for people
diagnosed with mental illnesses, many of the control conditions were “active” as patients received some
sort of treatment. The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of single-session music therapy on
state anxiety and meaning of life in patients hospitalized on an acute psychiatric setting utilizing a singlesession
pure wait-list control condition. Participants (N = 69) were randomly assigned by group to
experimental (music therapy followed by a posttest) or control (pretest followed by music therapy)
conditions. The single-session music therapy treatment consisted of live patient-preferred music, active
rhythm-based interventions, and a brief lyric analysis intervention to identify supports in the hospital and
in the community. Results for both subscales of meaning in life were not significant and mean
differences were negligible. Although not significant, participants in the music therapy condition tended
to have lower mean state anxiety scores. Participants’ written posttest comments supported the use of
music therapy on the unit. Results are discussed in context of the current quantitative psychiatric music
therapy literature base. Implications for music therapy treatment, limitations of the study, and suggestions
for future research are provided.

영어 초록

There continues to be a dearth of randomized and controlled psychiatric music therapy literature.Additionally, of the existing published quantitative literature concerning music therapy for peoplediagnosed with mental illnesses, many of the control conditions were “active” as patients received somesort of treatment. The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of single-session music therapy onstate anxiety and meaning of life in patients hospitalized on an acute psychiatric setting utilizing a singlesessionpure wait-list control condition. Participants (N = 69) were randomly assigned by group toexperimental (music therapy followed by a posttest) or control (pretest followed by music therapy)conditions. The single-session music therapy treatment consisted of live patient-preferred music, activerhythm-based interventions, and a brief lyric analysis intervention to identify supports in the hospital andin the community. Results for both subscales of meaning in life were not significant and meandifferences were negligible. Although not significant, participants in the music therapy condition tendedto have lower mean state anxiety scores. Participants’ written posttest comments supported the use ofmusic therapy on the unit. Results are discussed in context of the current quantitative psychiatric musictherapy literature base. Implications for music therapy treatment, limitations of the study, and suggestionsfor future research are provided.

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Effects of Music Therapy on State Anxiety and Meaning in Life on Patients in an Acute Psychiatric Setting
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