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시각장애학교 미술교육의 실태 분석

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국시각장애교육재활학회 수록지정보 : 시각장애연구 / 17권
저자명 : 이해균, 이우영


I . 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 연구 결과 및 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
참 고 문 헌

한국어 초록

미술은 인간의 생각이나 감정을 시각적 표현을 통하여 조형의 세계를 창조하고 발전시키는 예술의 한 영역이다. 미술은 인간들의 미적 표현은 물론 정서 함양에 매우 필요하다. 이에 따라 학교교육에서 미술교육은 교육과정의 한 부문을 차지하고 학생들에게 교육되고 있다. 학교에서 미술과 교육의 목적은 다양한 미술 활동을 통하여 주변 세계의 아름다움을 느끼며 향유할 수 있는 심미적인 태도와 상상력, 창의성, 비판적인 사고력을 길러주고, 아울러 미술 문화를 이해하며 계승, 발전시킬 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 전인적 인간을 육성하는 것이다(교육부, 1998).

영어 초록

The conclusions based on the findings of this study are as follows:
First, it seems that art education is not carried out actively in the schools for the visually impaired. Among 12 schools for the visually impaired nationwide, only 4 schools have art teachers who majored in art. Art activity rooms for the students as well as various teaching tools and materials were also insufficient. Especially, art textbooks for the students with visual disability have not been developed yet.
Second, the areas of interest in the students with visual impairment are craft, design, and sculpture. The students tend to like the art subject, and the tendency is higher in elementary school students than middle and high school students. In addition, the students prefer classes focused on practical techniques.
Third, in general, students with visual impairment positively perceive the necessity of art education. However, their interest in art education and their perception of its effectiveness were moderate: 54.2% of the students said art education was necessary; 42.2% expressed their interest in art education; and, 39.5% said art education was effective. As a whole, the students generally expressed positive opinions about the necessity of art education, while their interest and perceived effectiveness of it seemed to be in the medium level.
Fourth, concerning their interest in art education, perceptions of the students with visual impairment were generally positive. The highest number of students chose the answer, "I'm interested in various colors", and their interests seem to
be higher in elementary school students than middle and high school students.
Fifth, art education is recognized to be effective by the students. The highest number of students chose the answer, "I feel joy in the process of taking art education, or making art works". The effectiveness seems to be higher in elementary school students than middle and high school students.

참고 자료



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