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[기초공학]토목과 기초공학 두번째 중간고사

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7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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기초공학 중간고사 두번째
(부경대)-문제만 있습니다.




✻ Fill a word in each blank. (2points each)

1. ( Shallow)(foundations) are those that transmit structural loads to the near-surface soils. These include spread footing foundations and mat foundations.

2. The (bearing ) (pressure ) is the contact pressure between the bottom of a shallow foundation and the underlying soils.

3. The (allowable ) (bearing)(capacity ) is the ultimate bearing capacity divided by a factor of safety.

4. Shallow groundwater tables reduce the ( effective ) ( stress ) in the near-surface soils and can therefore adversely affect bearing capacity.

5. The bearing pressure from the shallow foundations causes an increase in ( vertical ) ( stress ) in the soil below. This causes settlement in the soil beneath the footing.

6. (5) Explain the difference between geotechnical strength requirements and structural strength requirements for foundation design.

Geotechnical strength requirements: 기초지반(흙 또는 암반)이 기초로부터 전달된 하중을 전단파괴가 발생하지 않고 지지할 수 있는 능력
Structural strength requirements: 작용하중을 안전하게 지지할 수 있는 기초의 구조적 강성

7. (5) List the three types of bearing capacity failures.

전반전단파괴(general shear failure), 국부전단파괴(local shear failure), 관입전단파괴(punching shear failure)

8. (5) List several factors having effects on the actual distribution of bearing pressure along the bottom of the foundation.


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