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[관광] 여행계획서 (New York)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


실제 뉴욕을 갈 생각으로 작성했습니다.
조금이나마 도움이 되시길...


1. An introduction
1)The purpose
2)Make the topic!
3)Prepare or you will ruin your trip.
4)Know yourself exactly!
2. The main subject
1)About New York City
2)About the museum of New York City
-Metropolitan Museum of Art
-the Museum of Modern Art
-The museum of Televison and Radio
3)About New York City's the other things to enjoy
-Let's go to the Broadway
-why should I stay in the room at the night in the NY? OF course not.
4)How can I stay in NYC?: about Restaurant and accomodation
-why should I stay in the room at the night in the NY
-how can I go around?
3. The conclusion


1. An introduction

Before the trip we should think about so many things. The most important things are these.
what do I want to get?
what do I see?
what should I do to have this trip?
what do I have now?

1)The purpose
In my opinion "what do I want to get?" is the most important. the other words is the purpose of the trip. whatever to do needs the definate purpose. For example If you want to relax your body, you should go to the resort and get a rest. Wedding tour will be another kind of trip.

In the world we have lots of place to do this. but I think New York City is really great place. New York City is so unique city. NY has really nice museums, small gallarys and live arts which newyorker and many tourists crate even now.

2)Make the topic!
The next thing is "what do I see?". Usually people think this means to select the place to see. But it's not true. More important thing is to select the topic. Because even one place has so many kind of different thing to do.

As I mentioned I want to enjoy arts to elevate my program more artful and beutiful. That's why I selected NY and I should go to museum and feel the other things about arts in the New York City.

3)Prepare or you will ruin your trip.
The third important thing is "what should I do to have this trip?" This is so simple but not easy. This is to prepare such a several thing you need to have this trip. 'You can get as much as you know.' is so exact proverb. So how much we prepare is the key of successful trip. Before we leave, we should study and research the place and topic thoroughly.

I will study New York City, museums and the other things of NY: Musical, clubs to enjoy jazz at the night time etc. And also I will reserch transportations, reasonable and nice restaurant, accommodation.

4)Know yourself exactly!
"what do I have now?" is also very important part to have trip. We need money, time and health to do it.

참고 자료

The Reference

-Web Site
www.ksany. com

IN new new york
MUSEUMS new york(museums magazines)
New york
Time Out New York
The Reporter
Where New york
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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