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[영어에세이] 체벌에 관한 리서치페이퍼

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,600원 할인쿠폰받기


체벌에 관한 research, argument 페이퍼입니다. 리서치 내용 또한 포함되어 있으며 문법교정 완벽하게 되어있습니다. 참고자료 목록 포함되어있고, 미국대학 advanced writing class에서 A+받은 페이퍼 입니다~ double space하고 reference페이지 포함하여 11페이지 분량입니다.


The effect of the corporal punishment
Side effects of the corporal punishment
How much punishment is proper?


Corporal Punishment
On a student’s cell phone, a teacher is caught hitting students with a thick stick. He continually hits everywhere from the students’hips to the head harshly without hesitation. This video is opened to the public by a student in the class posting it on the Internet. According to the other students, they were punished because they skipped class when the school inspectors came. All the people who looked at it on the Internet were surprised to see this kind of behavior. Recently, we’ve heard a lot on the media about punishment by teachers in school. Some people agree with the teacher’s power to punish, claiming that it is a part of education. However, contrary to this opinion, I disagree with corporal punishment because physical punishment brings only temporary effects in correcting children’s behavior. Also, it can humiliate a child by insulting his or her personality and have a poor affect on their self esteem. Besides, physical punishment can be abused because there aren’t any concrete standards to regulate how much punishment is proper in disciplining.
Hyman (1989) says corporal punishment refers to intentional application of physical pain as a method of changing behavior. It includes a wide variety of methods such as hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, pinching, shaking, choking, use of various objects (wooden paddles, belts, sticks, pins, or others), painful body postures, use of electric shock, use of excessive exercise drills, or prevention of urine or stool elimination (p.161).

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