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Hybrid Ventilation System 하이브리드 벤틸레이션 시스템 이란?

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31페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


건축 설비 시간에 발표했던 하이브리드벤틸레이션시스템에 대한 발표자료입니다.
국제어 강의였기에 영어로 자료를 만들었습니다.
정의 및 적용사례3가지를 발표했습니다.


1. What is Hybrid Ventilation system?

2. About Annex35

3. Case study1 - The Liberty Tower of Meiji University

4. Case study2 - Bang & Olufsen Headquarters

5. Case study3 - Tokyo Gas Earth Port

6. Conclusion


Definition of Hybrid Ventilation
Hybrid Ventilation is a two-mode system which is controlled to minimize the energy consumption while maintaining acceptable indoor air quality and thermal comfort. The two modes refer to natural and mechanical driving forces.

Principles of Hybrid Ventilation
1. Natural and mechanical ventilation
This approach is based on two fully autonomous systems. The control strategy either switches between systems or runs both in parallel but for different tasks. An example is a system that uses natural ventilation in mid-season and mechanical ventilation in summer and/or winter. This approach is also used by a system which provides mechanical ventilation in occupied hours and natural ventilation for night cooling.

2. Fan-assisted natural ventilation
This approach uses natural ventilation combined with an extract or supply fan. During periods of peak demand or when the natural driving forces are reduced, pressure differences can be enhanced by fan assistance.

3. Stack and wind-assisted mechanical ventilation
In this approach a mechanical ventilation system optimizes use of natural driving forces. It is used in systems with small pressure losses where natural driving forces can contribute significantly to the pressures needed.

참고 자료

인터넷 자료 검색
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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