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영어발표 대본 자료(눈의 피로를 푸는 법에 대한 설명 정보제공)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The methods which defend the health of the eyes
라는 제목의 눈의피로를 푸는 법에 대한 정보제공글을 발표문으로 쓴 것입니다
영어발표 시간에 대본으로 쓰면 좋으며 외국인 교수로부터 칭찬 받았어요




The methods which defend the health of the eyes

Hellow, everyone. My name is michella.
Everyone, please look at me. What do you think about my eyes? As you can see, I have bad sight. These days, not only my sight but also your sight are going to go bad more and more. So, we have to take actions for the health of our eyes. Now, I`m going to tell you about methods which defend the health of the eyes. When I`m finished, you will know how to defend the health of the eyes.

I`ll tell you about three aspects.

First, I`ll tell you about life rules that prevent the eyes healthily.
Second, I`ll tell you about good foods for the eyes.
Third, I`ll tell you about the ways that solve the tiredness of the eyes.

First of all, we`ll look at life rules that prevent the eyes healthily.
When you work or study hard, you look at near place. Then, you should look at distance every 1 hours 10 minutes. Because looking at near place requires more energy than looking at distance. Next, you should also consider lighting around yourself. Indirect lighting and incandescent lamp is good for health of the eyes than direct lighting and fluorescent lamp.

I`ve told you about Life rules that prevent the eyes healthily. Next, I`ll tell you about good foods for the eyes.

Second, we`ll look at that carrots and apples and cheeses are good for the eyes.
Carrots are rich in vitamin A that prevents the eyes from night blindness.
And apples are rich in potassium. potassium protects tissues of the eyes.
Also cheeses are rich in calcium that removes bad symptoms of the eyes.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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