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Apple computers and PCs

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최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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PC와 컴퓨터에 차이점을 에세이 형태로 간단하게 영어작문 한 것입니다.




In now days, most of person have a computer. However 30years ago, computers are very expensive and only enterprises have computers that are very big and hard using computers. What happen in computer during 30yeras? Steven Jobs thought about personal computer and he made the first personal computer that is Apple computers. Several years later, IBM that is known making mainframe computers made personal computer that is called PCs. Let’s compare Apple computers and PCs.
One obvious difference is producers and making way. Even if PCs is invented by IBM but IBM didn’t have monopoly about PCs technology and PCs was made by a lot of company that makes each components; as a result, PCs power is improved and cheaper than Apple computers. In contrast, Apple computer is made by only Apple Co. Steven Jobs have confidence in Apple computers that have better power and design than PCs. That was true but Apple computers were more expensive than PCs. Consumers considered price than computer’s power. Moreover Apple computers is not flexibility because, Apple Co sold only full complete computers and not sold components. It make Apple computer hard to upgrade. However PCs is very flexibility because, a lot of company sold PCs and components; thus, consumers have many choices. If you want make computer to use components that are you wanted. PCs are possible to make pc by your hands but Apple computers are not possible.

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