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금연 캠페인

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11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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직접만든 금연캠페인+그 동안의 금연캠페인 정리




Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in Canada (----). According to Statistics Canada, 22% of Canadian youths identified themselves as smokers. Although overall smoking rates have been in continuous decline since the mid-90’s, the rate of decline for youth smoking (3.8%) is lower than for the general population (men:7.3%, women: 7.7%) (Gilmore, 2002). Furthermore, it has been found that smokers with the intention of cessation and adolescents are most receptive of anti-smoking campaigns (Gagne, 2008; Paek 2008; Wolburg, 2006). Therefore, our campaign resources may be better spent on changing attitudes towards smoking and prevention of initiation among impressionable youths.
There have been many anti-smoking campaigns aimed at different populations with varying purposes. Each targeted a very specific age group with the purpose of effectively conveying the message (Gagne, 2008; Dietz, Delva, Woolley& Russello, 2007; Wolburg, 2006; Paek 2008). Many of the campaigns targeting a mature demographic focused on smoking cessation (Gagne, 2008; Beaudoin, 2002), whereas those targeting adolescents were primarily preventative in nature (Goldman & Glantz, 1998; stupid.ca, thetruth), though some also offered cessation support(---). Their purpose was to increase smoking cessation rates and maintenance of smoke-free lifestyle through support(quitnow), reduce initiation rates (stupid, Evans, Price & Blahut, 2005), promote second-hand smoke-free environments (clean air for kids, coalition for clean air), and change the audience’s attitudes towards tobacco companies(Evans et al., 2005). Moreover, the campaign approach varied greatly, from different threat tactics and shocking advertisements (truth) to sympathetic (quitnow, itscanadastime) or thought-provoking ones.

참고 자료

Gilmore, J. (2002). Report on Smoking in Canada, 1985 to 2001. Statistics Canada (Catalogue no. 82F0077XIE). Retrieved March 7, 2008, from http://www.statcan.ca/english/research/82F0077XIE/82F0077XIE2001001.pdf

GAGNE, L. (2008). The 2005 British Columbia Smoking Cessation Mass Media Campaign and Short-term Changes in Smokers Attitudes. Journal of Health Communication, 13:125 – 148. Retrieved March 7, 2008, from University of British Columbia Library Web Database Access.

WOLBURG, J. M. (2006). College Students’ Responses to Antismoking Messages:
Denial, Defiance, and Other Boomerang Effects. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 40(2). Retrieved March 7, 2008, from University of British Columbia Library Web Database Access.

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