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(argumentative essay) Should students be required to wear school uniform?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


(argumentative essay) Should students be required to wear school uniform?
학교숙제로 A 받았는데요. 도움되시길바래요. :-)




For the past decade, schools, teachers, parents and students have disputed over the issue of regulating student attire. The school uniform debate is a polarizing matter, usually with the school educators and officials on one end and the students on the other. Parents on the other hand are usually stuck in the middle of the crossfire, most pushing for their children to be allowed to express themselves and a minority group on the school’s end. At the end of the day, there should not be any debate in the first place; it is evident that the benefits of school uniform far outweigh the benefits of not having them.

Benefits such as safety come into play. Parents would want their children to be in a safe and conducive environment for studying, and by having school uniforms, it would help to decrease or eliminate gang activity. Since most gangs are recognized by what they wear, school uniforms would definitely eliminate gang colors and logos, removing some of the intimidations and prevent the formation of gangs on campus. School uniforms would also help the teachers quickly identify individuals who should not be in the school, thus all these factors create the desired environment needed for school.

The other defining benefit is instilling the sense of school pride and fellowship upon students dawning on the uniform. It gives them a sense of belonging making them feel like they are part of a family, fostering a community spirit. On top of that it also teaches the students to emphasize more on inner beauty and de-emphasizing outer appearances. It facilitates in instilling morals such as modesty and help students to understand and know that a person’s unique personality traits and gifts are the real beauty in a person and that apparel or outer appearance is only skin deep.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인


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(argumentative essay) Should students be required to wear school uniform?
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