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Leadership Development (영문)

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What is leadership?
New concepts of leadership
Difficulties in leadership

The theory of leadership
Qualites or traits approach
The functional or group approach
Leadership as a behavioural category
Styles of leadership
The situational approach and contingency models
Transformational leadership

Leadership development tools
Why is leadership development important?
Leadership development within GE




Since the advent of Adam & Eve, Every single organization has had a leader. Well-built leadership encouraged the performance and brought success to the organization. On the other hand, poor leadership leaded an organization to total failure. Leadership development which raised a leader was the matter of importance which would lead to the rise and fall of an organization.
Moreover, with the advent of knowledge society, developing leaders has become more an issue of importance for every organization today. It is necessary that organization needs to raise leaders for the continuous growth in keen competition. Therefore, there is no doubt as to whether leadership is considered to be a significantly important factor in successfully managing an organization.

What is leadership?

What then is leadership? It could be inferred from ‘lead’ which simply means ‘show the way’. It is a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people (Laurie, 2007) and also, according to Robbins (2005), it is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.

Then, is a manager in an organization a leader? Should the organization, therefore, put their efforts on developing a manager’s skills and knowledge to survive in competition?

참고 자료

Adair, J. Action Centered Leadership, Grower, 1979

Burns, J. M. Leadership, Harper & Row, 1978

C. A. Bartlett, A. N. McLean, GE’s Talent Machine : The Making of a CEO, 2006.

Dansey-Smith, F. Why soft people skills are the key to leadership development, Strategic HR Review, 3(3):28-31, 2004.

Drucker, P. F. The Practice of Management, Heinemann Professional, 1989

Hernez-Broom, G. and Hughes, R. L. Leadership development: past, present and future, Human Resource Planning, 27(1): 24-32, 2004.

Kotter, J. The Leadership Factor. New York: Free Press, 1988.

Kotter, J. A Force for change: How leadership differs from management, New York ; London : Free Press, 1990.

McCall, M. W. Leadership development through experience, Academy of Management executive, 18(3): 127-30, 2004.

Manz, Charles and Sims, Harry (1987) ‘Leading Workers to Lead Themselves: The External Leadership of Self-Managing Work Teams’, Administrative Science Quarterly, No32.

Mullins, Laurie J., Management and Organizational Behaviour. 8th edition. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2007.

Robbins, S.P., Organizational Behaviour. 11th edition. Upper Saddle River, N J: Prentice Hall International, 2005.

Tannenbaum, R & Schmidt, W. H. ‘How to choose a Leadership Pattern’, Harvard Business Review, May-June, 1973, pp. 162-75, 178-80

Tim Hannagan (2002) Management; Concepts and Practices, Edinburgh Gate: Pitman

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