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The Puritans Have Black Faces(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


퓨리턴(청교도)들이 미국사에서 지니고있는 무게를 고찰하고 그들의 삶의 의미를 파악하여 본다.(영문리포트)


The Hardship in New England
The Witch Hunt in the Darkness
The Relationship between the Puritans and Native Americans


Looking at the American history, Puritanism was a main factor of New England society. Most lives were influenced from their religion, Puritanism. All people in towns in New England had to go church. Selectmen who made important decisions about towners and administrated their towns were composed of men related to church in most cases.
If so, betrayal, lies and the plot of entrapment. Can we imagine these words within Christianity, especially Puritanism? In early American history, Puritanism has not always been known for its righteousness. The Puritans had a very hard time in building a country and did hypocritical behaviors.
Originally, Pilgrims did not want to be persecuted by the Anglican Church of England. So Pilgrims left their country. Pilgrims were the first pioneers in America,

참고 자료

Arthur Miller. (1997). 시련(The Credible).서울:평민사
Peter B. High. (1996). 미국문화사.서울:한신문화사.
이구한. (1993). 이야기 미국사.서울:청아출판사.
이주영. (2000). 미국사.서울:대한교과서.
앨런 브링클리. (2005). 있는 그대로의 미국사.서울:휴머니스트
김정수. (2004). Arthur Miller의 작품세계.서울:PUFS
제프리 버튼 러셀. (2004). 마녀의 문화사.서울:르네상스
은하출판사편집부. (2001). (핵심)미국소설.서울:은하출판사
정만득. (2001). 미국의 청교도사회,서울:비봉출판사


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The Puritans Have Black Faces(영문)
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