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[인문]my dream

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


꿈에 대해 영어로 쓴 글


Dream of present time

Dream of future


ream of present time
Some people are born with perfect, healthy skin. However I`m not. I suffer from some form of acne lately. Maybe this situation is due to the my lifestyle of today. I am busy in these days. I have a lot of reports and team tasks. I`ll give a guitar recital on May 31st, so I have to training on the guitar. I also do a side job. My busy days like this result in stress. And I always feel fatigued nowadays. And I sometimes didn`t wash away the paint from my face before sleeping. Those elements make the skin trouble. I wish I have a fair skin like a baby.
I am a plump woman. I went on a diet several times, but always I didn`t succeed. When I see a woman who has a slim waist, I always envy her. I wish I have a nice figure and a charming face. Woman has an instinct of beauty, so I have it, too.
I`ll take an examination soon. I want to get a better grades in this semester. For good grades, I must study hard. I should not be cramming this time.
I wish to have a boyfriend. My best friend went with her boyfriend for a long time. He is always nice to her, and has been on intimate terms with her. I want to have a boyfriend who has a sense of humor and is detailed. A man like that will show up someday. I will be on the tiptoe of expectation.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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