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영어로 영화역사 논함.




For instance, these days many people all over the world know about American culture through its movies.Through this essay, I would like to explain some details about the movie history with poster. First movie appears, people watched this new invention. That day nobody shouldn`t expect this new invention will be most important thing of arts.

1890 - 1900`s 1910`s - 1920`s
The artist given credit for creating the movie poster was Jules Cheret who created two posters in the 1890`s. One was a film short called Projections Artistiques, and the other a Theater program called Pantomines Lumineuses. During this early time movie posters would not contain the title of a film short but just the name of the company who made them. 1896 marked the first time a poster would be made for a specific movie and not just a movie company. The film was called L`Arroseur Arrose. It was about a kid getting into trouble with a water hose spraying a gardener. The 1900`s would mark the beginning of the utilization of modern film techniques which would be used in the American movie The Great Train Robbery. The movie only last eleven minutes and was extremely popular. By the end of the first decade of the last century movies had become a gr

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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