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[감상문]독서감상문영작'꽃으로도 때리지마라'

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


김혜자 에세이 <꽃으로도 때리지마라> 의 독서감상문영작 입니다.
줄거리보다는 느낌위주로 적었습니다.




I misunderstood it`s just a romance when I just read a title. But it was not. Today there were so many African countries in an exhausted condition caused by wars between tribes. This time while we eat heartly and go to school, the children on the other side dying in the pain. How unfair this world? I heard that Paris Hilton the heiress of Hilton hotel never wear the cloth more than one time cause she`s so wealthy. But on the other side there are people who had suffered from insufficient money for food. To them, buying a cloth is just a dream. They need a just 100won to satisfy their hunger. How they dying in the hunger even they need a just 100won to have enough food?
It`s a male dominated society that filled with rampant violences, rape, violation of human rights. How this could be happened? wondering is getting larger. The woman is still suffered from immoral customs. I think those bad customs should abolish instantly. I was always fel! t that Korea is a bad country for women to live well but do Ihave to thanks now? Is it a happy feature of misfortune that I was not born in Africa? I`ve nothing to tell.
It makes me really funny that even cow is the most valuable subsistence to them, Masai would send it that blessed to express their regret at 3000death by 9.11 terror. A few days ago, in television, I learned that a Masai is the tribe that considering their domestic animal so great estate

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[감상문]독서감상문영작&#039;꽃으로도 때리지마라&#039;
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