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Smoking should be banned in public places all over the world.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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(영문에세이)공중장소에서의 흡연을 전세계적으로 금지해야한다는 논쟁


□ Introduction
Smoking should be banned in public places all over the world.

□ Body
- Second hand smoke in public places could harm people’s health

- The no-smoking policy in public places could provide smokers with a motivation to reduce or quit smoking.

- Some smokers may hold that smoking is beneficent in workplaces

- It is also important for the rights of people who want no-smoking areas and the prohibition of smoking in public places has positive effects on economy

□ Conclusion
Smoking should be prohibited in public places all over the world.


There are a lot of smoke-free areas at restaurants, cafes, movie theatre, and pubs in many countries. Some countries hold that smoking in public places should be forbidden by law for people’s health, while others insist that people have the rights to smoke even in public places in terms of freedom, economic effects, and overestimated data. However, smoking should be banned in public places all over the world since passive smoking could cause serious health problems and the policy prohibiting smoking in public places could help smokers reduce or quit smoking, enhance performance in workplaces and be helpful in terms of economic effects and the people’s rights.

참고 자료

Action on Smoking and Health 2006, Smoking in workplaces and public place, Action on Smoking and Health, UK, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.ash.org.uk/html
A.D.A.M. 2004, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, A.D.A.M., viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://adam.about.com/reports/000072_3.htm>
Atwell, K 2003, Should smoking be banned in public places? The no argument, wessexscene, UK, <http://www.wessexscene.co.uk/article.php?sid=688> viewed 21. Jan. 2007
BBC Action network team 2006, Smoking bans: and Action Network briefing, BBC Action network team, BBC, UK, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/act
BMA tobacco control resource centre 2006, Smoking and women’s reproductive health: a review for gynaecologists and obstetricians, BMA tobacco control resource centre, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.doctorsandtobacco.org/files/112.pdf>
Boase, C 2003, Should smoking be banned in public places? The yes argument, wessexscene, UK, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.wessexscene.co.uk/article.php?
Greene, A 1996, Limiting exposure of second smoking, drgreene.com, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.drgreene.org/body.cfm?id=21&action=detail&ref=769>
Jamrozik, K 2005, Estimate of deaths among adults in the United Kingdom attributable to passive smoking, BMJ, 330(7495):812, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/330/7495/812>
POSTnote 2003, SMOKING IN THE PUBLIC PLACES, Parliament Office of Science and Technology, UK, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 <http://www.Parliament.uk/Post/pn206.pdf
Seline, H 2003, “Greatest Hits” of Tobacco Control Opponents:(Suggested Responses to Common Queries), Pan American Health Oganization, viewed 21. Jan. 2007 < http://globalink.org/tobacco/docs/misc-docs/2003paho.shtml>


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Smoking should be banned in public places all over the world.
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