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[영어에세이]Discriminations between women and men in work places

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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직장내에서의 여자의 차별의 실태에 관해 정리한 에세이. 5개의 paragraph.




Title: Discriminations between women and men in work places.

In recent years, as a couple working together for living has increased, and the number of women with occupations has increased, too. What is by now obvious is that, while women are making big inroads into the professional world though the competitive process, they still encounter strong deterrence to their rise in organizational structures both in public services and in private work places. Many women still encounter deep-seated prejudice in their work place. Therefore, in most occupations, women are still unequal to men in three areas: salary, power, status.
First of all, men and women still earn different income for doing the same job. Though women who have equal educational backgrounds or personal histories with men work equal time, they make less money than men. Especially, as women get lower and lower in the hierarchical ladder, wage discrimination has much space between women and men. Based on my experience, wage discrimination between women and men is even shown by some part-time jobs

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어에세이]Discriminations between women and men in work places
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