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[영어 5분 프리젠테이션]스파게티 만드는 법(How to make a spaghetti)

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최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


스파게티 만드는 법에 대해서 영어로 5분 프리젠테이션 발표한 자료입니다. ppt 12 슬라이드와 대본 한글파일 1페이지 압축하였습니다. 시간 5분 정확하고 어렵지 않고 재미있습니다. 그대로 사용할 수 있습니다.

ppt 12장 + 한글 1장




Hello. Everyone. My name is ---
Did you see the movie, 작업의 정석(The art of seduction)?
If you saw it, do you remember the scene that a main actor made Carbonara spaghetti for a main actress to attract her? And he succeeded to attract her because of the Spaghetti.

Now, I`d like to introduce you a special cream sauce spaghetti recipe. I learned it a few months ago. I made the spaghetti with my college senior, and then we enjoyed the spaghetti that we made together. It was really delicious and we had a great time to make spaghetti . Does anybody like cooking like me? If you do, this recipe will be really useful. it`s easy to learn how to make spaghetti than you expect.

All right! Here is the recipe. (Showing the chart of the recipe)
In order to make "Cream sauce spaghetti" we have to prepare some tools and ingredients. Tools are a frypan, a large pot, a dish, a spoon, and so on... . Ingredients are spaghetti noodle, fresh cream 1/2cup, milk 1&1/2cups, bacon, an egg,an onion, garlic, mushroom, green pepper, pepper grounds, salt, olive oil, cheese and so on. You can buy a fresh cream for 3000won at milk products section in a big outlet like E-mart.

First, cook spaghetti noodle in a large pot of boiling water. Add a bit of salt in it. After this, put the spaghetti in the pot for about ten minutes. And then take it out of water, and scatter olive oil on it not to cling to each noodle.

Second, chop bacon, garlic and onion as a die shape and slice green pepper and mushroom.

참고 자료


압축파일 내 파일목록

how to make a spaghetti-ppt.ppt
How to Make Spaghetti in 5 Easy Steps-한글.hwp


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[영어 5분 프리젠테이션]스파게티 만드는 법(How to make a spaghetti)
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