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[영문학 - 시]William Butler Yeats - The Wild Swans at Coole

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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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The Wild Swans at Coole 에 대한 작품 분석 및 주관적 비평입니다.


작가의 생애
작품 읽기
작품 분석
1. 시 배경
2. 시의 주제
3. 시 스타일
4. 해설
객관적 비평
주관적 비평


♠ 시의 배경
 WB Yeats was born in 1865 in Dublin. His family was upper class.
 Yeats received classes in art and thus could paint a scene well with words.
 As he reached manhood, much of his education consisted of private tuition and reading.
 Despite dyslexia and early difficulty with learning the alphabet, he turned into the greatest Irish Poet of the Twentieth Century.
 Yeats felt that his powers as a poet were reducing with age. He wrote ‘The Wild Swans at Coole’ in 1915 when he turned fifty.
 Yeats first visited Coole Park County Galway nineteen years before in 1896.
In this poem, Yeats compares the present and the past.
 He contrasts the swans as a species with himself as an individual.
 As a species the swans will live on after he dies. Their beauty will remain. He by contrast, is aging and fading. He will eventually die.

♠ 시의 주제
 Nature
Yeats shows the beauty of the autumn scene. He is in a woodland beside a lake at twilight, on a dry October evening. The beautiful leaves of autumn decorate the trees. Fifty-nine swans float peacefully on a lake. Stones create

참고 자료

서혜숙, 『예이츠』, 건국대학교 출판부, 1995
우철환, 『Yeats시 연구』, 고려대학교 출판부, 2001
윤희억, 『영국문학의 이해』, 지문당, 1999
김현옥,『Modern Poetry』, 신안사, 2002
인터넷싸이트 Google검색


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문학 - 시]William Butler Yeats - The Wild Swans at Coole
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