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[영화 영어 감상문]Titanic Review

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Titanic 영화 감상후
줄거리 및 느낌




Titanic, I have seen this move more than ten times. I bought a video tape, so I used to watch with my brother and sister. Even though I watched more than ten times, the movie gives me fresh and new feeling every days. I never got boring when I watched the movie. I love this movie and even my little brother, who is 12 years old, likes this movie too. It must be `Titanic` has something fascinating and attractive qualities.
The movie, Titanic, has settings which are the most luxury ship in the world, and a sad love story between rich girl Rose and poor man Jack. Actually, the love story is not true, but it is really sad and beautiful.
The movie starts with a scene that explorers are searching sunken Titanic by using high-tech equipments. They found a box from the ship, and they expected there would be a lot of jewelry and a diamond necklace - called `Heart of the ocean`. Finally, they opened it, but there was just a painting, so they were really disappointed. However, the painting was really important for an old women - Rose. She was from upper classes, and she boards with her mother and her fiance, Cal.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영화 영어 감상문]Titanic Review
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