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[한국 문화] Rites of Passage (통과의례)

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최종 저작일
40페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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레포트 자료도 있습니다. 이것은 레포트에 대한 파워포인트 발표 자료입니다. A+맞은 레포트 입니다 참고하세요...


1. Rites of Passage (통과의례)
1) What is “Rites of Passage (통과의례)”
2) The Tree
3) Korean Rites of Passage
I. 통과의례 (Rites of Passage)
II. 관혼상제 (Korean Rites of Passage)
2. Birth Rituals
1) 삼신 할머니 (Birth Grandmother)
2) 금줄 (Forbidding Rope)
3) 백일 (A ceremony given to a hundred-day-old baby)
4) 돌 (First Birthday)
5) 돌 잡이 (First Birthday Selection)
3. 관례 (Coming-of-age Rituals)
4. 혼례 (Traditional Marriage Rituals)
1) 납폐 (Exchanging Valuables or Delivering 'Ham')
2) 친영 (Wedding Ceremony)
3) 신행 (Going to the Groom's House)
5. 환갑 (Sixtieth Birthday)
6. 상례 (Funeral Rituals)
7. 제례 (Ancestral Rites)
1) 기제사 (memorial service held on an anniversary of a person's death)
2) 차례 (family-memorial service)
3) 시제 (ancestor-memorial services performed in each season of the year)
8. Conclusion
1) How and why did we lose the rites of passage?


Rites of passage are the ceremonies and rituals that not only celebrate the individual and honor their growth,
Koreans embrace and celebrate these times in our lives so that our maturation reflects life lived fully with health, hope, happiness, harmony, and humor.
1) How and why did we lose the rites of passage?
In three words: industrialization, separation, compartmentalization.
Technology and industrialization have given us many gifts. However, rituals and ceremonies feed our spirits, making them richer and deeper.
Modern culture tends to downplay the importance of the rites of passage that mark our transition from one life stage to another, but they are as important as ever.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[한국 문화] Rites of Passage (통과의례)
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