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[간호학 영어논문해석] 영양과 배설 관련 영어논문 번역자료

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10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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Breast-feeding practices among adolescent and adult mothers in the Missouri WIC population.
Infant Feeding Practices

Missouri WIC에 사는 인구 중 청년기엄마들과 성인 엄마들 사이의 모유수유 수행
영아 먹이기 수행


Breast-feeding practices among adolescent and adult mothers in the Missouri WIC population.
(Statistical Data Included)
Author/s: Ranjita Misra
Issue: Sept, 2000

Advantages of breast-feeding are well documented, and medical and health professionals promote it as the optimal feeding method for the first 6 months of life [1-2]. Even so, fewwomen in the United States choose to breastfeed. Those who do breast-feed usually switch to bottle-feeding within the first 6 months [3]. Further, studies show that adolescent mothers are less likely to breast-feed than their adult counterparts [4]. Younger adolescents breast-feed even less often than their older peers [5,6]. Unlike adults, adolescent mothers who breast-feed generally decide to do so late in their pregnancy or after delivery [4]. Adolescent mothers are more likely to be African-American, single, and have less education and lower income--all of which are associated with low rates of breast-feeding [3,4]. Low prevalence of breast-feeding among adolescents also may be the result of their lack of emotional and cognitive development (GL Zellman, unpublished data, 1989). This article examines initiation and duration of brea st-feeding among adolescent and adult mothers in Missouri.


Data for this research were obtained from the records of pregnant women in Missouri participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System (PNSS). PNSS is a program-based surveillance system active in 32 participating states, territories, and reservations that are served by publicly funded health and nutrition programs. PNSS monitors the prevalence of nutrition-related problems and behavioral risk factors related to infant mortality and low birth weight, and infant feeding practices in high-risk populations.

Women who gave birth during the calendar year 1994-1995 in Missouri were selected for this study. Comparisons of initiation and duration of breast-feeding among adolescents and adult mothers were performed at the state level. The study population consisted of 29,589 respondents attending public health clinics.

Only 3 of the 109 variables used in PNSS were related to infant feeding and used in this study: currently breast-feeding, ever breast-fed, and infant`s week of age when formula was started. [x.sup.2] analysis was used to analyze the demographic differences between adolescent and adult women and between African-American and white women. Student`s t tes<font color=aaaaff>..</font>

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