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성균관대 열유체공학설계실습 히트펌프 실험 결과레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


성균관대학교 열유체공학설계실습 히트펌프(열펌프) 실험에 대한 결과레포트입니다.


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Methods
4. Result
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Appendices


When designing, and using heat pump systems in engineering, it is important to understand their structure and output. This is closely related to important factors such as system size, lifetime, and efficiency. We will investigate the basic components of the refrigeration cycle in this experiment. Next, the refrigeration cycle will be operated under the specified conditions to measure some physical quantities at some important points. From these measurements, we analyze the data using various formulas, charts, and graphs of cycle analysis. Then calculate and compare the efficiency and performance factors of the refrigeration cycle. The tendency of this interpreted data can help to establish appropriate conditions in the design of refrigeration cycle systems. We will also try to find the differences between the experimentally measured data and the theoretical and ideal refrigeration cycles.

참고 자료

Borgnakke & Richard E. Sonntag, (2013) “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, 8th ed., Wiley
BERG Chilling Systems Inc, “The Principles of Basic Refrigeration” Internet : http://berg-group.com/engineered-solutions/the-science-behind-refrigeration/
공조냉동건축설비용어사전, “냉동 사이클” Internet : http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=716205&cid=42319&categoryId=42319
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