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lac operon 영문 에세이

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8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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I. Introduction
1. The gene expression
2. The necessity of the regulation of the gene expression

II. Body
1. The regulation of the gene expression
2. The operon
3. The lactose operon (lac operon)
4. The enzymes and inhibitor

III. Conclusion

IV. Reference


I. Introduction
The control of the gene expression has been a major issue in biology. One basic way that gene expression can be controlled by regulating transcription. In prokaryotes, our basic understanding of how transcriptional control of gene expression began with Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod’s 1960 model of the Lactose operon in which a regulator protein controls transcription by binding to a target region called the operator.

1. The gene expression
The genetic expression is the process of synthesizing proteins using genes, which is consisting the DNA. The protein is produced by the gene expression is essential to constitute living things and plays an indispensable role in survival. It can also hand over and preserve the genetic traits of living organisms in the next generation. The synthesis of proteins progresses in the following sequence: The RNA is made up from the DNA from coded genes. After the DNA transcribes the RNA, the RNA translates the protein

참고 자료

Douglas H juers, Brian W Matthews, and Reuben E huber(2012) Lac Z β-galactosidase: structure and function of an enzyme of historical and molecular biological importance, PROTEIN SCIENCE, 21(12):1792-1807.
Natalia Ermolova, Lan Guan, and H. Ronald Kaback(2003) Intermolecular thiol cross-linking via loops in the lactose permease of Escherichia coli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2;100(18):10187-92.
David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox (2005). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry.
James D. Watson, Tania A. Baker, Stephen P. Bell, Alexander Gann (2014). Molecular Biology of the Gene
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