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[영문]Business strategy assignment

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Business strategy assignment 영문자료입니다,. 영국대학교 작성 레포트에 참고하시면 좋을 것 같아요


1.0 Three main external environmental variables
1.1 Natural environment
1.2 Societal environment
1.3 Task environment

2.0 Industry analysis
2.1 The threat of the entry of new competitors
2.2 The intensity of competitive rivalry

3.0 External competitive forces

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 References


1.0 Three main external environmental variables
1.1 Natural environment
Supermarket chain industry is affected by natural environment such as physical resources, wildlife and climate. When the weather is hot, more customers would buy a cold beverage or an ice cream. Supermarket chain industry hires not only full time staff but also a lot of part timers. NTUC is the largest supermarket chain in Singapore. ‘Cheers’ and many other shops are opened for 24hours. The natural Environment in Singapore is safer than most. Its natural location allows it to be shielded by large environmental hazards such as Typhoons, tsunamis and droughts. This largely makes these external factors a lesser one.

<중 략>

Exploring NTUC Fairprice, the best supermarket in Singapore, we have found out what is main competitive forces affecting its industry. Besides these, we have assessed its own internal capabilities by analyzing SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Treats) of this supermarket. Here we are going to propose the most appropriate strategy using Porter’s Generic Competitive strategies. Before adopting such a strategy, we are going to briefly touch on all his strategies.

참고 자료

Mind Tools Ltd (1995-2010), Porter’s Generic Strategies choosing your route to competitive advantage, [online] available from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newSTR_82.htm [16 Aug 2010]
Quick MBA (1999-2010), Porter’s Generic Strategies, [online] available from http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/generic.shtml [17 Aug 2010]
Wheelen, T. L, and Hunger, J. D, 2010. Strategic Management & Business Policy. 12th ed. New Jersy. Pearson Education. pp147
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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