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[국제경영] 반도체산업의 기술이전

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


지난학기 보고서로 작성되었다가 일부 수정 후, 영어로 번역되어 학회지에 실으려고 했던 논문입니다.
일부 (서론 및 본론 일부)는 영어로 번역되다가 중간부터는 한글로 나옵니다.
결국 학회지에는 못 실었지만...^^;


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Changes in the competitiveness of semiconductor
industry between Korea and China
1. Characteristics of Semiconductor Industry
2. Comparison of Competitiveness in Semiconductor industry

Ⅲ. International Product Life Cycle(IPLC) theory and
Semiconductor Industry
1. IPLC Theory and Application
2. The Position of the Semiconductor technology on the IPLC
3. Strategy of Chinese authorities for Catch-up

Ⅳ. Strategy of Korea for Technology transfer
1. Condition at present
2. Strategic suggestions for the Technology Transfer

Ⅴ. Conclusion


Consequently, Korea should enhance the competency of current position on the technology life cycle so that maintain the technological gap with late-comer like China and to withdraw initial R&D costs input through transferring and selling the technology which is on the maturing or growth stage.

It is worth pointing out that theory of IPLC(Vernon, 1966) and TLC had more emphasized on the technology for suggesting the necessary of technology transfer at each stage. So this study focuses on competitive advantage and analyzes the possibility of technology transfer between Korea and China with making sure existing theory concerning technology and trade pattern.

The main object of this study is to look for effective strategy of technology transfer to China in semiconductor industry.

For this purpose, as shown in <Table 1>, this study firstly analyzed the current status of semiconductor industry in both country, the differences on the level of technology, and competitiveness from the dynamical point of view. (Chapter Ⅱ)

And secondly, it is introduced the concept of IPLC theory as a tool of analyze and applied to the semiconductor industry. (Chapter Ⅲ)

Then, finally, this study derived an idea which is best strategy for Korea at each stage on life cycle of semiconductor industry. (Chapter Ⅳ)

참고 자료

'반도체 설계의 기초', KAIST 반도체 설계디자인센터(IDEC), 2000
산업연구원, 'Issue paper', 2001.7.
송우용, '해외직접투자론', 씨엔필, 2000. pp.137
오근엽, '국제무역론', 학현사, 1999
이진주(1985), "산업유형별 기술이전 및 토착화의 과정과 방향," 「기술이전」, 제6권 제1호, pp. 13-31.
조현대, '기술역량의 네 가지 요소와 기술추격 주자의 기술역량 발전 양상', 과학기술정책연구원(STEPI), 1999
한국반도체산업협회, http://www.ksia.or.kr/korean/semi/1-1.htm
황해두 외, '한·미간 산업기술 협력방안 ; 반도체산업의 사례연구', 국제지역연구 제5권 1호
Sung-Bum Hong, Current Status of China's Science & Technology Cooperation with Outer World and Technology Import Policy, STEPI, 1998
Xu, Xiao-tian(徐小田), Presentation materials, China Semiconductor Industry Association(2000)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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