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(영어 레포트) Why the drawings are important for the architect? 건축가에게 드로잉은 왜 중요한가?

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14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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1. Chapter1. Introduction

2. Chapter 2-1. Drawing : Gesture drawing; Frank Gehry
2-2. Drawing : Detailed Drawing; cj Lim, Aha Rocha, Norman Foster
2-3. Drawing : Colored Drawing; Caro Ratti,Eva Jirincna, O’Donell, Nagen Johnson

3. Chapter 3. My drawing Experience & Conclusion

4. Bibliography

5. The List of Images

6. Appendix


Why the process of hand drawing or sketch should be considered integral for designers or architects?
hy the process of hand drawing or sketch should be considered integral for designers or architects? I have seen different style of drawings of different architect by chance as browsing the Internet. They express their ideas visually with their own drawing style.(Architect’s drawing) There are a variety of different styles of drawings illustrated with the architects’ own drawing styles in order to visualize their initial idea, which is the best way for an architect or a designer to organize their idea that can be communicated with others.

<중 략>

Gehry draws. London : Violette Editions, P.7 “I came at architecture through fine arts, and painting is still a fascination to me. Paintings are a way of training the eye. You see how people compose a canvas. The way Brueghel composes a canvas, or Jasper Johns. I learned about composition from their canvases. I picked up all those visual connections and idea. And I find myself using them sometimes.

참고 자료

Bahamon. (2005) Sketch. Plan. Build : World Class Architects Show How It’s Done. New York:
Harper Design
Lindsey. (2001). Digital Gehry. Wasington D.C : Birkhauser
Isenberg. (2009). Conversations with Frank Gehry. Toronto : Alfred A. Knopf.
J, Lim (2005). Studio 8 architects. Australia: Image Publishing Group Pty.
M, Herbert. (1993). Architectural study drawings. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold
Burtynsky. (2009). Frank Gehery In Toronto. London: Merrell
Jiricana (1987) Designs. London : Architectural Association.
Partners. (1999). Arhitecture + Process. London : Tham & Hudson
Celant. (2009). Frank 0.Gehry: since 1997. London: Skira
Patrick. (1939). Drawing distinctions : the varieties of graphic expression. New York: Cornell
Tom (1990). Graphic design techniques for architectural drawing. London : Hamlyn
Bredekamp. R, Daalder. M, Rappolt. (2004). Gehry draws. London : Violette Editions.
Jones. (2011). Architect’s Sketchbook. London : Thames&Hudson
Blaser(ed). (1993). Norman Foster Sketch book. Basel: Boston
www.moxonoarchitects.com (Ben Addy)
www.agathom.com (Agathom Co.)
www.alsopsparch.com(Will Alsop)
www.pruechilesarchitects.co.uk(Prue Chiles)
www.e-a-a.com(Elliott+Associates Architects)
www.carlosjimenezstudio.com(Carlos Jimenez
www.ejal.com(Eva Jiricna)
www.cjlim-studio8.com(CJ Lim)
www.squireandpartners.com(Stephen McGrath)
www.naganjohnson.com(Nagan Johnson)
www.tony fretton.com(Tony Fretton)
www.fosterandpartners.com(Norman Fosters)
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(영어 레포트) Why the drawings are important for the architect? 건축가에게 드로잉은 왜 중요한가?
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