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The sex education in Korea should also be improved so that the social problems of the increasing number of teenage single moms in Korea can be solved, because, as one of the Korean girl, I know that the sex education in Korean school is so much old-fashioned that it cannot prevent any sexual trouble that students might have. My sex education in high school was annoyingly inattentive that the shock I got after the proper education was enormous. In reviewing all these facts about African patients, Korean teenagers?pregnancy problems, and also my experience about the sex information and my attitude assumed after, sex education taught in school is indispensable for the human welfare.

참고 자료

Vincent, C. E. (1967). The cost of naivet?in sex education In S. M. Farber & R. H. L. Wilson(Eds.), Sex education & the teenager: A symposium. Berkeley, CA: Diablo Press.

Intensified action in a sample of countries (2000). The International Partnership against AIDS in Africa, Update. Retrieved November 12, 2002, from the World Wide Web: http://www.unaids.org/africapartnership/files/IPAAupdate10.doc
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