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[영어 작문] 중국 음식의 지역적 다양성에 대하여(Regional diversity of Chinese cuisine)

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최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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대학 실용영어 시간에 자유주제로 적은 descriptive essay입니다. 주제를 중국 음식의 지역적 다양성으로 잡아서 중국의 음식이 지역마다 특성이 다르게 나타나는데 기여한 원인들에 대해서 영어로 분석한 글입니다. 좋은 학점 받았으니 잘 참고하시길 바랍니다.




“There is nothing that Chinese cannot eat except for airplanes and chairs.” This is a famous phrase commonly used as a joke to describe the diversity of Chinese cuisine. Because of China’s huge territory, the Chinese were able to use a variety of cooking materials and methods regarding the surroundings in which they live. In fact, numerous regional cuisines have developed all over China with their own distinctive features. This high regional diversity of Chinese cuisine is a result originated from three factors: climate, geography, and history.
Climate is one of the factors that greatly influenced the regional diversity of Chinese food. China’s immense territory led to the regional variation in climate, thus resulting in various cooking methods and materials for each region.


참고 자료

Civitello, L. (2011). Cuisine & Culture : a history of food and people-3rd edition. New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Jung, S.G. (2006). Introduction to Chinese Culture and Art. Golden Divide Publishers.
Lee, Y.A. (2008 March 31, 2008). The Four Delicacies of China : The Secrets behind their Taste. Weekly Chosun Online. Retrieved from
Mehta, K. (n.d.). Chinese Regional Cuisine Cooking, Methods, Techniques. Retrieved from
University of Kansas. (n.d.). Regions of Chinese food-styles/flavors of cooking. Retrieved from
Wang, Y. (2012 April 13, 2012). Sichuan Cuisine Museum.
Xinhua English news. Retrieved from
Wertz, R. (n.d.). The Cultural Heritage of China :: Food & Drink :: Cuisine :: Regional Cuisine. Retrieved from
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어 작문] 중국 음식의 지역적 다양성에 대하여(Regional diversity of Chinese cuisine)
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