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Thomas hardy - Twentieth century British Poetry

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Thomas hardy - Twentieth century British Poetry




At first let`s summarize his life by year.
Thomas hardy born in a cottage in Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, near the regional market town of Dorchester on 2 June 1840. He begins school in stinsford in 1848. Continues schooling in Dorchester in 1850~1856. Articled to Dorchester architect John Hichs, Hardy later becomes his assistant inkdrm 1856~1860. Meets and begins friendship with Horace Moule, son of Henry Moule, vicar of Fordington . Moule becomes hardy`s intellectual mentor, and encourages his study of Latin and Greek in 1857. Moves to London to work for architect Arthur Blomfield in 1862. Hardy`s first publication, "How I Built Myself a House", appears in Chambers`s Journal. Begins to write poetry in 1865. Returns to Dorset and works of Hicks on church restoration in 1867. Completes his first novel, Thor Poor Man and the Lady, and submits it to Alexander Macmillan. Novel is rejected by Macmillan, who suggests that Hardy try Chapman and Hall in 1868. Chapman and Hall`s reader, George Meredith, rejects novel, and suggests Hardy write a story with " more plot". Smith, Elder also rejects novel. Begins working for Weymouth architect G. R.

<중 략>

Hardy might be described as a belated and very rebellious Victorian or perhaps as a transitional figure, showing both "Victorian" and "modern" habits of sensibility and technique. His writing are... one long questioning of ideas and codes of behavior - religious, sexual, social, familiar - which for many Victorians seemed dictated by nature and God

참고 자료

현대 영미시 연구 - 저자 : 김철수
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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