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[Case] Joint Venture [Volkswagen and China]

1. What is Joint Venture?

1-1 kinds of strategic alliances

1-2 joint venture Meaning & Motivation Joint Venture

1-3 How to Joint Venture ?

2. Joint Venture Partner Selection

2-1 Compatibility

2-2 Partner`s Capabilities

2-3 Commitment

3. Problems and success factors of joint venture

3-1 Problems of joint venture

3-2 Success Factors of joint ventures

[Cases] a joint venture between Samsung SDI and BOSCH [SB LiMotive]


Volkswagen and China joint venture

China`s age situation
China 1950 Mao Zedong (Mo Teg-dong) conducted The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, due to the social-economic base was destroyed and brought a great economic loss. When Mao died in 1976. Two years later, The pragmatists led by Deng Xiaoping seized power in 흑묘백묘 theory practice. Deng Xiaoping appointed a special economic zone in southern China (Pudong, Shantou, siahmin, Zhuhai, Hainan) in 1979 to promote (FDI)foreign direct investment was in 1985. FDI increased exponentially in 1992, in 1997 when the Asian financial crisis slowed, but FDI has steadily increased until the 2000s.

Volkswagen`s joint venture background
First Volkswagen & China joint venture in 1984 (actively encourage FDI atmosphere) Volkswagen is third of world about automobile industry.
Volkswagen tried to solve the problem that excessive competition in Developed country’s markets and developing new technologies was going to delay in china.

2.How to find nice Partner
The most important starting point for a joint venture first and foremost objective is clear partner selection. What is the purpose of joint ventures, and what parts will work with a focus on companies looking for some land that will be considered to have a significant effect. 3C in the partner selection and the organization in terms of strategic perspective and high standards harmonization is important.
2-1 Compatibility
1. In joint ventures and strategic goals of companies that do not conflict with each other what should be reviewed.
2. Must understand the compatibility of corporate culture. Compared with a unique corporate culture, or partners, vary somewhat depending on whether the obstacle is not it, It should be think.
3. Management systems also have to be considered compatible.

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