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피라미드에 대하여. 구조,설명,기원,등등. 리서칭 및 논문

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피라미드에 관하여 작성한 논문입니다 .(영문)


Ⅰ. Introduction

1. Before reading, Basic understandings
2. How did they made Pyramid, Structure of Pyramid
3. Architect plans and formulas of Pyramid
4. Wrap up

Ⅱ. Sources & Bibliography


Few Thousand years ago, Egyptians made a ‘Pyramid’ for their king (Grave). It shows how Egyptians were considered about an after life.
There are many different kinds of pyramid. Mustafa, Red Pyramid, Pyramids of Giza, Step Pyramid, Curved Pyramid, Khufu‘s Pyramid and more. Most of them are square based with triangle sides. But each of these Pyramids used different formula, different size. And that is why some of Pyramids are still well preserved in great condition or some of them are not preserved like whole one side got crumbled.

<중 략>

Figure 9 is the diagram in the derivation process for the Red Pyramid. Numbered 1 through 16 in the diagram above are the entire circle and square intersection points for a pyramid of the 17/18th proportions. Lines have been drawn from the diagram’s center to each of these points. Line number 9 in figure 9, leads to the first of the intersection points located above a 45 degree angle as measured from the diagram`s center (Point O in figure 9). Intersection number 9 marks where the ‘radius 1 unit’ circle intersects with the square having the same perimeter length as the circumference of the ‘radius 0.9444 unit’ circle.

참고 자료

Graham Hancock(1996), Fingerprints of The Gods.
J.F. Bierlein(1996), Parallel Myths.
Bong Kyu Lee(2005), Egypt Pyramid Story.
Young Chul Jung(2004), Architecture of Egypt.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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