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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


RFID IN HANKOOK TIRE@ Analysis of Organization Behavior PerspectiveContents1. Concept of RFID 2. Overview of Hankook Tire3. Application of RFID in Hankook Tire4. SuggestionA1. Concept of RFIDConceptOf RFIDFeaturesOf RFIDFeaturesOf RFID Read only Impossible update of information Uncertainity of counting inventory Read / Write Manage the overall delivery managemet Scan several products at the same time Check the loss hourly which means information is up to date. 2. Overview of Hankook TireIntroductionHanKook Tire`Hankook Tire` is one of the major tire companies which has 46% of the market share in Korea.It is not only placed as the first in Korea but also growing globally and placed as the 7th in worldwide.In China, the branch is making a great progress in sales. It is now enlarging the market share by making OEM contract with major car companies such as GM, Chrysler, and Toyota.History ofHanKook TireNamed as “Josun Diya”`Hankook Tire` became the first exporterU.S branch was founded / core lab was establishedIt passed the quality system ceritification ISO 9001


1. Concept of RFID
2. Overview of Hankook Tire
3. Application of RFID in Hankook Tire
4. Suggestion
5. Q&A


`Hankook Tire` is one of the major tire companies which has 46% of the market share in Korea.
It is not only placed as the first in Korea but also growing globally and placed as the 7th in worldwide.
In China, the branch is making a great progress in sales. It is now enlarging the market share by making OEM contract with major car companies such as GM, Chrysler, and Toyota.

History of
HanKook Tire
Named as “Josun Diya”
`Hankook Tire` became the first exporter
U.S branch was founded / core lab was established
It passed the quality system ceritification ISO 9001
Awarded by design management and facility system
It became the first to supply tires into the U.S
We can say that Hankook Tire is a global firm
Changed its brand name into `Hankook Tire`

참고 자료

판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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