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[비교행정론]한국과 중국의 비교행정(Comparison of China and South Korea)영문

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최종 저작일
28페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Introduction

The comparative administration means an aggregate of actual data which verifies an administrative theory that is applied in the various cultures. Namely, It finds theory which could be applied universally in each other different cultural context.
From process of cold war system of the United States and the Soviet Union, the United states has started an economic aid in the developing countries for preventing the expansion of communism. But these countries` administrative ability was so low that the aid effect couldn`t appear enough. Consequently, it researched the administrative problem of the developing nation in link of technical aid provision.
In the Second World War or so, the conventional theory was that in compliance with an Institutional approach mainly, it was researched the administrative laws and constructions from the western nations. However this research has lacked the rational and scientific standard, and Institutional researches from the western nations have had limitation applying to the developing countries.


Ⅰ. Introduction p.2

Ⅱ. Chinese Communist Party p.3

III. Legislation, Jurisdiction, Administration and policy decision process of china p.7

Ⅳ. Bureaucracy of China p.12

Ⅴ. Public Administration Reform in China p.13

Ⅵ. Civil Service in China p.15

Ⅶ. The Local Administration of China p.19

Ⅷ. The Comparison between China and South Korea p.22

Ⅸ. Conclusion p.25


Ⅰ. Introduction

The comparative administration means an aggregate of actual data which verifies an administrative theory that is applied in the various cultures. Namely, It finds theory which could be applied universally in each other different cultural context.
From process of cold war system of the United States and the Soviet Union, the United states has started an economic aid in the developing countries for preventing the expansion of communism. But these countries` administrative ability was so low that the aid effect couldn`t appear enough. Consequently, it researched the administrative problem of the developing nation in link of technical aid provision.
In the Second World War or so, the conventional theory was that in compliance with an Institutional approach mainly, it was researched the administrative laws and constructions from the western nations. However this research has lacked the rational and scientific standard, and Institutional researches from the western nations have had limitation applying to the developing countries.
Therefore, in each other different cultural background, the comparative administration was research for finding an administrative theory which is general and raising a scientific merit of public administration.
The ideological system of bureaucracy was formed with contribution of Max Weber, various scholastic researches after that it led and it advanced. In history of the Orient, especially, China and Korea has had form the system of bureaucracy that was composed with infatuation.
From historical viewpoint, Korea and China had similar constructions of politics and administration. In China, the dynasty of centralization setup is formed early and it composed these people who are excellent scholastically of a bureaucracy. Korea had the relation which is close with China at geography, and used an imitated system of advanced bureaucracy and study from china.
From the age of the Three States, Korea accommodated the civilization of China, 3성 6부 system of China had effected from the age of the Three States and the Joseon Dynasty period. Especially, Joseon Dynasty adopted Confucianism and neo-Confucianism, so the bureaucracy group which the liegemen compose took charge of a national administration and a political section.

참고 자료

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[비교행정론]한국과 중국의 비교행정(Comparison of China and South Korea)영문 무료자료보기
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