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8B. High-Tech Surveillance
In the 18th century, legal expert Jeremy Bentham developed plans for a new type of prison. He called his prison a Panopticon, from the Greek word mean “all-seeing.” It was designed with central guard tower from which every prisoner could be observed 24 hours a days a week. At any given time, prisoners could never be sure if they were being watched or not, and therefore they would be less likely to break prison rules. In fact, Bentham said that the guards might even 1eave from time to time: the prisoners, thinking that they were still being watched, would continue their good behavior. Two centuries later, in 1949, British author George Orwell, in his classic novel 1984, wrote about a future society where it is impossible to evade surveillance by the authorities. In the novel, citizens are constantly reminded of the authorities presence by the phrase “Big Brother is watching you.”
In a sense, the world of surveillance predicted by Bentham and Orwell has already come to pass(If something come to pass, it happens). Public video systems are now in use in many cities around the world. In Paris, for example, there are road cameras nearly everywhere to help regulate traffic, and some 2,000 cameras on city buses detect and deter crime. In Britain in the 1970s and ’80s, cities and towns began installing cameras to monitor streets and parks, public transportation, stadiums, and shopping areas.
8B 고성능 감시
18세기 경, 법률 전문가 제레미 담은 새로운 감옥을 위한 계획을 성장시켰다. 그는 그의 감옥을 판옵티컨(원형교도소)라 부르고 그리스 문자 뜻 그대로 “모두 본다.”였다. 그것은 중심에 보초 타워부터 모든 수감자들을 하루 한주 24시간 감시하도록 고안되었다. 언제든지, 수감자들은 그들이 보는지 안 보는지 전혀 확인 할 수 없었으며, 그리고 그들은 쉽게 교도소 규칙을 깰 수 없었다.

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