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[전자기학] 전자기학(McGrawHill)2장연습문제풀이

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13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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2.1.Four 10nC positive charges are located in the z =0 plane at the corners of a square 8cm on
a side.A fifth 10nC positive charge is located at a point 8cm distant from the other charges.
Calculate the magnitude of the total force on this fifth charge for =0 :

2.2.A charge Q 1 =0 .1 킗 i located at the origin,while Q 2 =0 .2 킗isat A (0 .8 −0 .6 0).Find
the locus of points in the z =0 plane at which the x component of the force on a third positive
charge is zero.

2.3.Point charges of 50nC each are located at A (1 0 0),B ( −1 0 0),C (0 1 0),and D (0 −1 0)in
free space.Find the total force on the charge at A .

2.4.Let Q 1 =8 킗 be located at P 1 (2 5 8)while Q 2 = −5 킗isat P 2 (6 15 8).Let =0 .
a)Find F 2 ,the force on Q 2 :This force will be

2.5.Let a point charge Q 1 25 nC be located at P 1 (4 −2 7)and a charge Q 2 =60nCbeat
P 2 ( −3 4 −2).

2.6.Point charges of 120 nC are located at A (0 0 1)and B (0 0 −1)in free space.

2.7.A 2 킗 point charge is located at A (4 3 5)in free space.Find E

2.8.Given point charges of −1 킗at P 1 (0 0 0 .5)and P 2 (0 0 −0 .5),and a charge of 2 킗atthe
origin,find E at P (0 2 1)in spherical components,assuming =0 .


2.1.Four 10nC positive charges are located in the z =0 plane at the corners of a square 8cm on
a side.A fifth 10nC positive charge is located at a point 8cm distant from the other charges.
Calculate the magnitude of the total force on this fifth charge for =0 :
Arrange the charges in the xy plane at locations (4,4),(4,-4),(-4,4),and (-4,-4).Then the
fifth charge will be on the z axis at location z =4 곥2,which puts it at 8cm distance from
the other four.By symmetry,the force on the fifth charge will be z -directed,and will be four
times the z component of force produced by each of the four other charges.
F =4
곥2 ?
q 2
4 꺨 0 d 2 =4
곥2 ?
(10 −8 )2
4 꺨 (8 .85 ?0 −12 )(0 .08)2 =4 .0 ?0 −4 N

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전자기학 McGrawHill


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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