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미국 문학사 Ellen Glasgow의 BarrenGround 줄거리 요약 입니다.

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Ellen Glasgow의 BarrenGround 줄거리 요약 PPT 입니다.






Nathan Pedlar ? store owner and later Dorinda’s husband

Plot Summary
At the age of 20, Dorinda works for Nathan Pedlar’s store. While she is working there, she falls in love with Jason Greylock. While mingling with Jason Greylock, she forgets her purpose of why she has to work. Dorinda has to work because she needed to rebuild her father’s farm. Jason and Dorinda plan to get married. The day before their wedding, Jason calls off the wedding because is forced to marry is former fiancee. Dorinda is pregnant with Jason’s child. She decides to run away from Virginia and seeks work in New York. In New York, she gets into a car accident and has a miscarriage. She is attended by Dr. Faraday.

Plot Summary
As Dorinda recovers, Dr. Faraday offers Dorinda a job to nurse his children. A young doctor purposes to her but she refuses. Dorinda studies scientific agriculture. She returns to her father’s farm after his death. Due to nobody taking care of it for a while, the farm is impoverished and overgrown. From her knowledge of studying scientific agriculture, she starts various methods of turning the ground into fertile soil. She makes the farm into a prosperous dairy farm. Later, her mother dies as well. After her death, Dorinda marries Nathan Pedlar, to provide a home for his children. Nathan later dies and she takes care of Jason Greylock. Jason soon dies.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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미국 문학사 Ellen Glasgow의 BarrenGround 줄거리 요약 입니다.
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