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CI 1001 SarahJinju Jung

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아동교육과 관련하여 쓴 영문 Circuit 독후감입니다




CI 1001 SarahJinju Jung
Children’s Literature 4117888
Nov 11 2010
The Circuit
Mother eagles raise their eaglets with two ways. The first is protection. After their babies born, mothers feed them, make nests,and protect them from the wind and rain. The second is pulling down. Sometime, mother eagles teach their babies by giving hardship. They destroy nests, stop feeding them, and even drop their babies from trees. In some ways, it seems so cruel act, but it is their own education style to raise eaglets. During reading the book, Circuit, I feel that Farancisco’s live is quite similar to the mother eagle’s education style.
In the modern society, actually, there are many family troubles or divorces for matrerial things. I believe that it because that people forget what is important by our lives became convinence. All we know that although our economic and scientical technology is developed, our level of happiness is not higher than developing countries.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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