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Mark Rothko 와 Morton Feldman 의 작품 비교, 분석.

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Mark Rothko 와 Morton Feldman 의 작품 비교, 분석.
20세기의 화가 Mark Rothko 와 작곡자 Morton Feldman 의 작품의 공통점 분석.


1. Similarity in terms of color
2. Similarities in terms of form.


An American composer, Morton Feldman was an influential composer of 20th century music, well-known for his works, including piano solo, orchestral music with a solo instrument and chamber music, including “Rothko chapel”. He was a member of The New York School, an organization of American artists such as painters, musicians and dancers, and he worked with other major 20th century composers such as Earle Brown and John Cage . The characteristic of his music is generally soft and slow, and he uses uneven patterns to create freedom in rhythms and pitches. These characteristics are well-represented in his “Rothko Chapel”, which was written after getting inspiration from Mark Rothko’s late paintings, displayed in The Rothko Chapel in Houston. Mark Rothko, a Latvian-born American painter, was known as an abstract painter despite his rejection of this label. He was affected by surrealism and mythology which led him to draw abstract paintings, and was most influenced by Nietzsche’s “The Birth of Tragedy” by which the characteristic of his paintings became dark and gloomy . Although both Feldman and Rothko follow a different artistic profession, their works have numerous similarities in terms of color and form.

참고 자료

Breslin, James E.B. Mark Rothko: a Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Chave, Anna. Mark Rothko: Subjects in abstraction. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.
DeLio, Thomas. The Music of Morton Feldman. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996
Wikipedia. “Morton Feldman,” 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morton_Feldman (March 24, 2011)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Mark Rothko 와 Morton Feldman 의 작품 비교, 분석.
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