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유전자 공학에 대하여

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22페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
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PPT는 슬라이드 22장으로 이루어져 있고,
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Mendel’s Law
Genetically modified
Genetically Modified plants
Genetic engineering
Tissue Culture
My experiment
What is Genetic engineering?     
What is Genetically modified plants?
Purpose of genetically modified plants
What are some examples of genetically modified plants?
What are the Dangers? (Risk of Genetic Engineering)


1. Introduction

Hello, my name is __________. And I’m first presenter. I will present about genetically modified plants. It is composed of six titles. This topic is too professional so boring to listen. But this is hot issue so listen carefully.

First, Mendel’s law Mendel’s law : 멘델의 유전법칙
. In 1865, Mendel used Pea : 완두콩
pea and published Mendel’s law. It is chance to lay the foundation Lay the foundation : 입지를 다지다
of genetics position. Plants make up for weak points Make up for weak points : 약점을 보완하다
so it can grow plants more speed and we can get the highest harvest. It can solve lack of foods in future.
Second, genetically modified. Commonly it is divided into two parts. Genetically modified organism : 유전자 조작 식품
Genetically Modified Organism(GMO) and Genetically Modified plants(GM plants). GMO is very popular in those days. The most typical is beans, corn, tomatoes and so on.
Third, genetically modified plants. GM plants’ recognition is low. Genetically modified plants can call plant biotechnology Plant biotechnology : 식물 유전 공학
. And it is more related with tissue culture than genetic engineering. These photos are Pomato : 포마토 (포테이토/감자 + 토마토)
pomato, mu-chu Mu-chu : 무 + 배추
and golden rice Golden rice : 황금쌀
. It kills two birds with one stones It kills two birds with one stones : 일석이조이다
. Because we can get two kinds of vegetables from one seed. And golden rice is rich in vitamin A.
I’ll shortly define the meaning of Genetic engineering and Tissue culture.
Forth, genetic engineering. It is the direct human manipulation Manipulation : 조작, 속임수, 교묘한 처리
of an organism`s genetic material in a way that doesn’t occur under natural conditions. It only uses of recombinant Recombinant : (유전자 간의) 재조합형(의)
DNA techniques.
Fifth, Tissue culture. It is the growth of tissues or cells separate from the organism. Tissue culture commonly refers to the culture of animal cells and

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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