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(영작,에세이)windows and linux which one is better? - 윈도우와 리눅스 승자는?

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윈도우와 리눅스 중 어떤것이 좋은지를 비교하는 영문 에세이입니다


Intro: Linux have challenged to Windows.
Thesis: Through few articles, it will be explained which one is better.
I. Linux reached better position.
A. Dell’s new Linux based computer is good example
B. However, Linux still has just few percentages of market shares.
1. Linux’s applications usually support just basic function.
2. Most developer made applications for Windows.
C. In spite of the facts, some Windows users consider to change their OS.
1. Poor Windows Vista make disappoints consumers.
II. Transition: This article hardly talked about detail facts what are advantages or disadvantages of Linux; therefore, in next paragraph, it will be explained more specifically.
III. Linux’s influence has been increasing.
A. It’s attractive.
1. It is cheaper, more reliable, and more flexible.
2. It is a open source OS.
B. Some countries are considering change their national OS.
C. Linux preinstalled computers start to be sold.
D. However, it still has few market shares.
1. Its problem is lack and difficulty of application.
E. Some people are trying to help Linux.
F. Linux has to seek a new market.
IV. Transition: The two articles is about Linux, and windows will be talked in next paragraph
V. Windows is better than Linux.
A. Getting drivers for Windows is easier.
B. Windows have standard methods for installing and uninstalling.
C. Windows supports GUI for hardware setting.
D. Windows use newer technology
E. Windows do not need help documents.
Conclusion: I talk about advantages and disadvantages of both OS, and choice is consumers’ role.


Once upon a time, Microsoft had reignited as a king of OS kingdom with no rival. Many people challenge to Microsoft, but all of them fell into the bottomless pit. Then one day, a little penguin appeared to fight with Microsoft. They have fought more than a decade, but the battle have still continued. Although the brave penguin acquired some part of Microsoft’s province, the OS kingdom is still under Microsoft’s domination. As you know, this story is about Microsoft and Linux, which symbol is penguin, and also many people are considering what OS they will use; however most of them hardly decide because they have no idea which one is better or which one will be dominant.

참고 자료

Heim, K. (2002, Nov 22). Linux makes inroads Windows, especially overseas. San Jose Mercury News. Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center.
Linux gets one over on Windows (2007, May 6). The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from LexisNexis Academic.
Finnie, S. (2004, May). Why Windows Beats Linux. 2(5), 14-15. Retrieved Feb 17, 2009, from http://www.pctoday.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles/2004/t0205/04t05/04t05.asp
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