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The Great Gatsby (위대한개츠비)

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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고등학생수준의 에세이.
The Great Gatsby 와 Socio-economic과 관련하여 이유3가지"es




In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby, the main character lost his lover Daisy, during the war. Gatsby thought the reason why she left him was his lack of wealth. He was a poor person, so he wanted to become wealthy just because of Daisy. His goal was just to become a rich person. He thought a poor person like him couldn`t marry a rich person as Daisy. He bought a house near Daisy`s house so that he could watch her, and he held parties every weekend. Possibly, Gatsby threw parties in hope that Daisy would come and he could see her again. He hoped that changing his appearance to appear rich might repair the broken love. Not only Gatsby, but also Tom Buchanan who was wealthy, thought poor people were always inferior, no matter how hard they worked. Therefore, in The Great Gatsby, socio-economic issues create divisions among characters.

First, having money is highly important to Tom`s wife, Daisy Buchanan. This becomes evident when Gatsby states, "I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me" (130). After wanting to call off the wedding with Tom, Daisy accepted, as she evaluated most things in her life based on their ability to maintain a lavish lifestyle. In fact, subjective traits love, personality or attitude are not controlled by money,

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