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washback 효과에 대한 영문 설명입니다




“the unwelcome repercussions of some social action” by the New Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary, “unpleasant after-effects of an event or situation” by the Collins Cobuild Dictionary.

Def. the influence of testing on teaching and learning.

Wall (1997) distinguished between test impact and test washback in terms of the scope of the effects. According to Wall, impact refers to “. . . any of the effects that a test may have on individuals, policies or practices, within the classroom, the school, the educational system or society as a whole” (see Stecher, Chun, & Barron, chap. 4, this volume), whereas washback(or backwash) is defined as “the effects of tests on teaching and learning”(Wall, 1997, p. 291).
Looking back, we can see that examinations have often been used as a means of control, and have been with us for a long time: a thousand years or more, if we include their use in Imperial China to select the highest officials of the land (Arnove, Altback, & Kelly, 1992; Hu, 1984; Lai, 1970). Those examinations were probably the first civil service examinations ever developed. To avoid corruption, all essays in the Imperial Examination were marked anonymously, and the Emperor personally supervised the final stage of the examination. Although the goal of the examination was to select civil servants, its washback effect was to establish and control an educational program, as prospective mandarins set out to prepare themselves for the examination that would decide not only their personal fate but also influence the future of the Empire (Spolsky, 1995a, 1995b).

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