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에디슨 안테나발명 및 여러가지 발명품 조사발표한 PPT




1859 Edison lost his hearing
1862 Edison is taught how to use the telegraph and gets work as a “tramp” telegraph operator
1868 Edison’s first invention the electrical
vote recorder
1870 Edison’s opens a shop in New Jersey
1871 Edison marries Mary Stilwell
Edison’s Life Story
1877 Edison invents the first phonograph
1879 Edison and team make a light bulb that last for
more than thirteen hours.
1887 Edison opens new laboratory.
1890s Edison tries to invent a method of taking
the ore from rock.
1900s Edison works improving storage batteries for
electric cars.
1927-1931 Edison tries to find a new source of natural
1931 Edison dies at age 84.
Edison’s Life Story
Automatic Telegraphy
⇒If Automatic Telegraphy use special paper which is punched though moss code.
high speed transmit.
Edison’s Achievements
Discover wave though moss telegraphy
⇒ Flame which comes to telegraphy key is that wave is radiated but at that time nobody know that.
Edison’s Achievements
Bell’s telephone Improvement
⇒ Bell’s telephone can not be long distance communication. So he found some error about Bell’s telephone. Therefore it can be long distance communication.
⇒ Variety of resister using carbon is presented new value about telephone.
Edison’s Achievements
Edison Effect
⇒Metal or metal oxide surface which is heated to 700~2700 ℃ get out electron.
⇒ Electron obtained by heat energy is separated to overcome electrostatic force about vibration. So it is bound to solid which is used vacuum tube and discharge tube.
Edison’s Achievements

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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