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malab exercises3

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


MATLAB Programming for Engineers.

second edition.

bookware companion series


Stephen J.Chapman




quiz 3.3
1. Write the MATLAB statements required to plot sin x versus cos 2x from 0 to 2n in steps of d10. The points should be connected by a 2-pixel-wide red line, and each point should marked with a h-pixelwide blue circular marker.
>> x= 0:pi/10:2*pi;
x1= sin(x);
y1= cos(2*x);
plot(x1,y1, `-ro`,`LineWidth`,2,`MarkerSize`,6,`MarkerEdgeColor`,`b`,
2. Use the Figure editing tools to change the markers on the previous plot into black squares. Add an arrow and annotation pointing to the location x = n on the plot.
Write the MATLAB text string that will produce the following expressions:

3. f (x) = sin θ cos 2π
>> `\itf\rm(\itx\rm) = sin\theta cos2\phi`
4. plot of Σx^2 versus x
>> `\bfplot of \sigma \itx\rm\bf^{2} versus \itx`
Write the expression produced by the following text strings:
5. ` \tau\it_{m} `
>> τm
6. `\bf\itx_{l)^{2) + x_{2}^{2} \rm(units: \bfm^{2)\rm) `
>> x1^2 + x2^2 (unit: m^2)
7. How do you display the backslash (\) character in a text string?
>> ` \ `

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