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E commerce, 전자상거래, 영문 이베이(ebay) 분석 에세이 essay

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최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


word count: 1564
호주 대학에 제출했던 이베이 분석에세이 입니다.
문법 교정을 맏은 에세이로 문법 틀린게 아마 없을것입니다.
레퍼런스는 15개 정도 달려있습니다.

Table of contents ____________________________________________________________2

Introduction ________________________________________________________________¬3

How the site can be found _____________________________________________________4

The Security of the Site_______________________________________________________4

How Customers are Attracted to the Site__________________________________________4

Intended Customers of the Site_________________________________________________5

The Prevailing Business Model_________________________________________________5

Beneficial Features of the Site__________________________________________________6

Annoying/ Frustrating Features of the Site________________________________________6

Ordering, Payment, Fulfillment_________________________________________________6

Recommendations for Improvement_____________________________________________7

References _________________________________________________________________8



How the site can be found

The Security of the Site

How Customers are Attracted to the Site

Intended Customers of the Site

The Prevailing Business Model

Beneficial Features of the Site

Annoying/ Frustrating Features of the Site

Ordering, Payment, Fulfillment

Recommendations for Improvement



Along with the rising popularity of the internet, online shopping has become the new and preferred trend in consumer retail. The vast majority are now inclined in utilizing the internet as a mode of making purchases due to the convenience that it offers. E-commerce has grown to fame among buyers and sellers giving both parties the easy and practical access to the market.
Electronic commerce, also e-commerce or e-business, is defined as “the conduct of commercial activities using electronic processes or tools that are enabled by information and communication technologies (ICTs)” from the article Introduction to E-commerce (Anon., 2007).

참고 자료

Anon., 2007. Introduction to E-commerce. [Online] (Updated 21 Jun 2007)
Available at: http://www.knowledgepatterns.com/amc/index.php/eng/
ec_it_unit/modules/1_an_introduction_to_e_commerce, Accessed 02 Aug 2009.

Anon., n.d. eBay Security Centre. [Online]
Available at: http://pages.ebay.ph/securitycentre/, Accessed 03 Aug 2009.

Balcerek, T., 2001. BuyStainlessOnline reaches eclectic audience using eBay. American
Metal Market, 5 Oct. p. 3.

Collier, M. 2007. eBay Listings That Keep Customers Attracted. The Street Online, [internet]
14 Feb.
Available at: http://www.thestreet.com/story/10338648/1/ebay-listings-that-keep-customers-
attracted.html?puc=_tscrss , Accessed 06 Aug 2009.

Crum, C., 2009. Top 10 Frustrations for eBay Sellers. [Online]
Available at: http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/01/31/top-10-frustrations-for-
ebay-sellers, Accessed 06 Aug 2009.

Hafner, K., 2004. With Internet Fraud Up Sharply, eBay Attracts Vigilantes. The New York
Times Online, [internet] 20 March.
Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/20/technology/20EBAY.html, Accessed 3 Aug 2009.

Hsiao, A., n.d. What is eBay? An introduction to the World`s Online Market Place. [Online]
Available at: http://ebay.about.com/od/gettingstarted/a/gs_whatisebay.htm,
Accessed 02 Aug 2009.

Johnston, T., 2003. USING EBAY TO TEACH E-COMMERCE. Martin, Tennessee:
The University of Tennessee at Martin.

Junnarkar, S., 2000. eBay taps business-to-business boom. Cnet News Online,
[internet] 15 March.
Available at: http://news.cnet.com/2100-1017-238000.html, Accessed 06 Aug 2009.

Laube, D.R. & Zammuto, R.F., 2003. Business-driven information technology. Stanford,
California: Stanford University Press.

Pugh, R., 2006. The eBay Business Handbook: How Anyone Can Build a Business and Make
Money on EBay. Great Britain: Harriman House.
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E commerce, 전자상거래, 영문 이베이(ebay) 분석 에세이 essay
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