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Concubine System 첩 제도

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Concubine System 첩 제도




Concubine system is regarding from <The Joy Luck Club> to <The Kitchen god`s Wife>. Both literatures are put concubine system on important part. Why Amy Tan keep on mention concubine system?
In modern age of China, concubine system was not illegally but common thing. <The Joy Luck Club> and <The Kitchen god`s Wife>`s plots are based on modern age of China, so Amy Tan could not but refer concubine system. But it is so surprised that concubine system which looks like ancient custom was still remained in recent China. Then, I`ll analyze concubine system through the film <Raise the Red lantern> directed by Yimou Zhang.
Concubine system is always caused by father`s bankrupt. This time, daughters are good fortune. To survive other family members, daughter let go to the old rich man. In <Raise the Red Lantern>`s main character Songlian is the same case. There is a Korean proverb "When the first child is a daughter, that is a great help around the house. " We can find concubine system in this proverb. We red Amy Tan`s books about the modern age of concubine system, but its origin was from ancient age. So, daughter as well as women`s status was low compare with men for a long time.

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