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A Brief Analysis on the Regional Appearance in the Subway Entrances and Ventilation Pavilion Design in the new period -The Thinking about Urban Rail Traffic Entrances and Ventilation Pavilion Design i

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최종 저작일
7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 국제온돌학회 수록지정보 : 국제온돌학회 / 2013권
저자명 : Wang Lipei, Kim June Bong


1. Introduction
3. Inspiration
3.1 Overview of Regional architecture
3.2 Overview of the Central Plains culture
3.3 The Extraction of Creative Element
4. Detail Design
4.1 Green Sustainable Design
4.2 User-friendly design
5. Concluding remarks

영어 초록

In the design of urban rail traffic entrances and ventilation pavilion in the city of Zhengzhou, Henan province, this study tries to explore a kind of regional appearance about the subway entrances and ventilation pavilion design in the new period through the combination of sustainable building ideology [ 1] and local culture. The creation inspiration of the design is from the aspects of humanism, and the design tries to make the building have distinct regional characteristic in the premise of the contemporary feeling with the rational method. The building is located in the central plains , where the cultural resources are very rich. The design tries to choose clements that are from the famous cultural heritage and appeared appropriately in the plan, which to read and promote culture with the perspective of modem style architecture, and also make the subway entrance building have local differences and the identify ability. In the deepening of the design, the green and sustainable thought is the main exploration direction. The design tries to use High-tech building materials, and shows the building texture with the Combination of ETFE (ethylene-tetra-fluoric-ethylene) and steel skeleton, which appear the structure and the form of the building in the new period with the eco-friendly style. At the same time, the design discusses the way of Subway Entrances and the ventilation pavilion in central plains under the constraints of geography, climate and function.

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A Brief Analysis on the Regional Appearance in the Subway Entrances and Ventilation Pavilion Design in the new period -The Thinking about Urban Rail Traffic Entrances and Ventilation Pavilion Design i
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